Start-Up Nation Reaches #5 on the NYT Business Book List

startup nationThe Story of Israel's Economic MiracleSTART-UP NATION addresses the trillion dollar question: How is it that Israel -   a country of 7.1 million, only 60 years old, surrounded by enemies, in a constant state of war since its founding, with no natural resources- produces more start-up companies than large, peaceful, and stable nations like Japan, China, India, Korea, Canada, and the UK? How is it that Israel has, per person, attracted over twice as much venture capital investment as the US and thirty times more than Europe?The Clapham Group provided coalition outreach, advertising, and social media marketing for "Start-Up Nation", helping drive the book to the:-- New York Times business book list (#5)-- New York Times non-fiction/hardcover bestseller list (#18)-- Wall Street Journal business book list (#5)-- Washington Post non-fiction/hardcover list (#5) For more information on our social marketing, advertising, or coalition outreach services, please feel free to email us directly at


Clapham Hosts DC Lausanne Event


Caroline Lucas