
Exercising Power Can Look Like Weakness
Mark Rodgers & Libby Scroggins Mark Rodgers & Libby Scroggins

Exercising Power Can Look Like Weakness

Introducing Salt and Light Stories’ newest mini-comic: Blessed Are, exploring how serving others and pursuing the common good is a Biblical application of power. 

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Bonhoeffer and Babylon
Mark Rodgers Mark Rodgers

Bonhoeffer and Babylon

Clapham Principal Mark Rodgers reflects on both the Bonhoeffer movie and the biblical story of Daniel in the context of the 2024 election.

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How a Second Trump Administration Can Help Working Families
Mark Rodgers & Kiki Bradley Mark Rodgers & Kiki Bradley

How a Second Trump Administration Can Help Working Families

Mark Rodgers is the principal of the Clapham Group and formerly a staff director of the Senate Republican Conference and chief of staff to Senator Rick Santorum. Kiki Bradley, a partner with Chartwell Policy Solutions, is formerly a GOP House leadership aide and a presidential appointee at the Department of Health and Human Services in the Office of Family Assistance. Above is an article recently published by the National Review, where they work together to identify family first policies with bipartisan support. Read the full article on the National Review.

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