The Streets Stop Here Movie

The Clapham Group is proud to announce its partnership with TeamWorks Media and sponsorship of the film The Street Stops Here. This movie exemplifies the mission of the Clapham Group to promote cultural products that are good, true, and beautiful for the common good. Coach Hurley and St. Anthony's unwavering commitment to the transformation and betterment of their students is making a clear difference in Jersey City, NJ. We are excited to share this story with the rest of the country and we hope you enjoyed the presentation on PBS. We feel that stories promoting good fatherhood, investment in people, and character formation need to be told. The medium of film is a powerful tool to achieve this. This film is next in a long series of Clapham Group projects that have included Amazing Grace, Bella, The Jonas Brothers, Take, Trade, and many others. For any additional details regarding our consulting work, please email us at anytime at: We would love to share our mission with you.


A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood


ONE: World Malaria Day