Soul Shaping Music

Dear Friends,I am not musical. But I love music and I recognize its impact on my adolescence.  Boston and The Doobie Brothers in junior high. Genesis and Talking Heads in senior high.  And, of course, U2 in college. Although I worked on Capitol Hill for 16 years, I came to appreciate that culture-not floor speeches and white papers-is this generation's conduit of conversation. Movies, music, television and graphic novels are the "currency of consequence."  In a postmodern, post-literate cultural context, narrative forms of communication teach and instruct more than our schools, parents and politicians.  Perhaps combined.  This shouldn't surprise us-nor is it something new.  Damon of Athens said, "give me the songs of a nation and it matters not who writes its laws!"  I couldn't agree more. We are blessed at The Clapham Group to work with some truly gifted artists who are committed to promoting the truth through art, and in return we are committed to "investing" in them and the conversations of consequence they uniquely facilitate.I want to introduce you to our first "ROI" in a band: The Daylights. Give them a click and enjoy.  They have already opened for such acts as OneRepublic and Katy Perry, and we helped them finish their first full-length album. Earlier this week, we took around a new client, Project 7, with whom we are working on a album of emerging artists, the sales of which will go to support several of their seven identified causes. Last year, we had the privilege to work with The Myriad on a concert tour sponsored by the Humane Society of the United States that also promoted the film "Eating Mercifully."Music has a unique way of moving the spirit.  Carlos Santana said that John Coltrane's music "put demons on a leash." I love that image-restraining evil with the good, true and beautiful.I experienced a moment like this a few weeks ago at the Blue Bird Café in Nashville with a performance we were involved with by Jeff Coffin (Dave Matthews Band), Chester Thompson (Genesis), Calvin Turner (Marc Brussard) and Charlie Peacock (pianist and producer). The evening ended with a solo performance by Isaac Slade (The Fray). They kept the demons on a leash.I love music.  It shapes our souls.  King David danced before the Lord with all his might (2 Sam 6:14) and later wrote in Psalm 101 "I will sing of steadfast love and justice; to you, O Lord, I will make music."  And David wrote the songs of his nation.  I love the fact that U2's next album is likely to be called "Songs Of Ascent", another of their "hidden" spiritual allusions, and a reflection of their love for the Psalms. They have written songs for not just a nation, but several generations. And kept demons on a leash.Email me at and let us know what song has moved your soul most. Next week we will send a compilation for your summer travel/listening pleasure. And maybe one of them will move you to dance with all your might.Blessings,Mark Rodgers


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