'I Want Your Money' Film

'I Want Your Money', in theaters October 15 is a controversial new documentary film about the competing economic visions championed by Presidents Reagan and Obama -  a duel of speeches, wit, animation and narrative that leaves audiences laughing, cheering, yelling . . . and engages them in the national conversation about the mounting national debt, and why it matters.

By cleverly juxtaposing footage of Barack Obama with that of Ronald Reagan and interviews with Newt GingrichSteve ForbesEd MeeseMike HuckabeeJohn Stossel,Stephen MooreMichael Reagan (at the Reagan Ranch Center), Congressmen Tom McClintockThad McCotter and former California governor Pete Wilson among many others, I Want Your Money reveals the shocking reality of a bloated government.
More information: www.iwantyourmoney.net.

'Cool It' Film


An Agent for Good: Faith