Standing with Persecuted Christians

The issue of religious liberty is critical to America’s foundation, our success as a nation, and the development of democracies across the globe. Unfortunately, religious persecution is worsening. According to PEW, nearly 70 percent of the world's 6.8 billion people live in countries with high restrictions on religion.

Between 2006 and 2009, religious persecution actually increased.

Open Doors USA, a Clapham Group client, is launching a new awareness campaign to connect the American church with persecuted Christians around the world. 'One With Them' serves as a call to action to unite with persecuted believers, not just on the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church (IDOP), but during the months leading up to, and after, that special day. Through prayer and advocacy, Christians in the United States are urged to join millions who share our faith but not our freedom.The International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church (IDOP) on November 13th, 2011 is a global day of intercession for persecuted Christians worldwide. Its primary focus is to encourage intercessory prayer on behalf of persecuted communities of the Christian faith.One way Christians in the United States can show their support for the persecuted is through 'One With Them' wristbands. Wearing the black, rubber wristband that looks like barbed wire is a great conversation starter. The wristbands provide an opportunity to explain to others about the plight of persecuted believers.To join the ONE WITH THEM Campaign and get your free bracelet or to sign up your church to participate in The International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church, sign up here.Open Doors USA works in the world's most oppressive countries, strengthening Christians to stand strong in the face of persecution and equipping them to shine Christ's light in these dark places.Jeff Hunt


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In Memory of John Stott