Women's Rights Without Frontiers

Women’s Rights Without Frontiers is a broad-based, international coalition that opposes forced abortion and sexual slavery in China.  Their immediate goal is to raise public awareness regarding the coercive enforcement of China’s One Child Policy, the connection between this coercion and human trafficking in Asia, and the other human rights abuses that arise out of this coercive enforcement.  Our long-term goal is to champion freedom, justice and women’s rights, in China and worldwide, by exposing violations of women’s rights, equipping the media and the public to understand these violations, and extending help to the victims themselves, as well as to those who stand up for freedom and justice for women.They serve as a champion and ally to Chen Guangcheng the blind activist from China whose story came into the international spotlight in the Spring of 2012 after his heroic escape from house arrest where he climbed over many walls to eventual find refuge in the US Embassy in Beijing.

The Clapham Group:

  • Crafted the Facebook cause page.
  • Developed a grassroots Facebook strategy to promote awareness of Chen's story by getting people to sign the petition for Chen and post pictures of themselves wearing sunglasses.
  • Architect a long term development strategy for cause engagement via social media.
  • Began first steps of social media engagement by growing web presence on Facebook.
  • Developed custom Facebook Timeline giving the history of Chen's Story

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