MORE partnership[s] + Global Festival

Early this year, on an uncharacteristically warm January night for New York City, I found myself trudging through the Midtown slush to meet two men for a conversation that would change the course of my life. How often does one get to say such words? Maybe once or twice in a lifetime...In 2011, a young Australian named Hugh Evans and a young New Englander named Ryan Gall met and hatched one of the grandest ideas of our generation. They looked at the connective power of music, the connective tissue of technology, the connected web of issues that create global poverty, the potential for a more connected NGO sector, and they decided to DO something. In fact, they decided to facilitate an entire generation to DO something on behalf of the world's poorest people.As Hugh and Ryan laid out before me that very vision of a music festival on the Great Lawn of Central Park, where your actions would become your ticket, I could feel my future bending under the weight of their words.Somewhere in the deepest magic of the universe, energy becomes matter. In our first conversation, I could feel the dreams of these two dreamers hanging with a gravity not meant to be confined to words. Their words weren't inflated with ego. They were wrapped humbly and capably in quiet, confident resolve. They were right brained dreams with a left brained plan. They were words meant to shape a new reality.For the past 8 months I have been honored to dedicate much of my time to helping play a small role in taking this vision from that conversation to the reality you are about to see. I have met and been inspired by some of the most extraordinary minds, hearts, and spirits on this planet. Brian Patrick and Brandy Collins in particular have made such an impact on Mark Rodgers and I that we have joined forces to build a venture called More Partnerships. I can not begin to express what an honor it is to serve alongside of them in pursuit of a better world.As Mark, Brian, Brandy, Rebecca, Jeff and I launch this new chapter called More Partnerships, we are thrilled to point you to the Global Festival and the Global Citizen platform. Your actions = your ticket. Take a look, get your hands dirty, be the difference.Jacob8/7/2012Check out the media buzz this event has received: Associated Press, Forbes, Huffington Post, Billboard, Rolling Stone, SPIN, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, CBS News, ABC News, Yahoo, NY Daily News, Examiner,, Bloomberg Business Week, A View From The Cave, UN Dispatch


Supping With Screwtape


Nora Ephron: Wisdom, With Wit On the Side