Soul Searching at Gettysburg

By Ben Kafferlin“The brave men…who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract.” As I write this, I am at the epicenter of any history buff’s dream. It is a steamy, overcast day and I find myself in the small town square of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, exactly 150 years after the greatest battle of the American Civil War.As you might expect, the town is overcrowded; its seams bursting with life and memorial. There’s excitement in the air, but it is somber, respectful. Watching as dozens of uniformed soldiers from both sides saunter by, the surreal setting has made me reflect on why I find myself here, today, commemorating the sesquicentennial of the bloodiest battle on American soil.


Hollywood's Role in the Marriage Debate


Monsters University