Barna Group Launches New FRAMES Series

By Molly Connolly

Recently, our friends at Barna Group launched season one of FRAMES, an annual series of short essays written by thoughtful authors exploring what it means to live in today's complex culture.

This collection of concise, relevant reads are published in partnership with Zondervan Press and the American Bible Society. 

In a video on their website, Barna Group President, David Kinnaman points out that 7 out of 10 adults express a desire to stay up to date on culture and trends. How do you accomplish this in a society that is so fast paced we can’t seem to find the time to read lengthy books on important questions that pertain to the complex culture we live in?  FRAMES, intended to be a series of short, highly accessible reads on topics that everyone can relate to, hopes to be an answer to that question.

Friends of The Clapham Group including Kate Harris and Jedd Medefind have each written FRAMES for this new series. Kate’s piece on motherhood highlights the different pressures put on today’s women and Jedd’s essay brings to light the importance of Christian involvement in the areas of adoption, foster care and mentoring. Other authors wrestle with questions of how to have a healthy relationship with technology , how to navigate a culture that condones violence and what it means to be a millennial today.

We encourage you to explore these topics with us in the coming weeks. Read less, know more and get the complete first season of FRAMES here or wherever books are sold.

Also, be sure to check out the recording of the webcast from the FRAMES LIVE event held in CA for a preview of each of the authors speaking on their FRAME!



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