Washington Post Highlights Evangelical Statement on Animals

By Abby Skeans

Last week the article, “Inside the Evangelical Push to Rally Around Animal Ethics” was published in the Washington Post by Sarah Pulliam Bailey in which she reflects on the Evangelical Statement on Responsible Care for Animals. 

Sarah kindly joined The Clapham Group and the Humane Society of the United States last evening for an intimate gathering of evangelical DC-based women to celebrate Hannah More’s legacy of compassionate, faithful living. The event featured a conversation between Dr. Karen Swallow Prior and HSUS’s Christine Gutleben in the context of celebrating Karen’s recent work, Fierce Convictions: The Extraordinary Life of Hannah More – Poet, Reformer, and Abolitionist. To view an earlier conversation featured on Patheos between Karen and Christine on Hannah More’s remarkable commitment to protecting animals, please click here.

In keeping with Hannah More and William Wilberforce’s Clapham Sect legacy of addressing a broad range of social issues in a holistic faithful perspective of reforming morality within society, we invite you to consider signing the Evangelical Statement on Responsible Care for Animals once it’s publicly released in the coming months.The Statement is operationally and theologically independent; however, The Humane Society of the United States remains a committed, collaborative partner. The Statement was drafted by Mark Rodgers (The Clapham Group), Barrett Duke (Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission), and Michael Cromartie (Ethics and Public Policy Center). For more information on the Statement, please contact Abby at abby@claphamgroup.com.


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