The Prayer for Everyone

By Ashlynn Welker

I wanted to share with you an opportunity to be a part of a global campaign called the Prayer for Everyone, a worldwide prayer action to help end hunger, disease, and extreme poverty. You are in a unique position to help engage people of faith in this global effort and your participation would be most gratefully received.

Over seven days from 24 September to 1 October, the Prayer for Everyone aims to engage faith communities to pray for the success of the new Sustainable Development Goals. These Global Goals are the world’s plan to eliminate extreme poverty, and will set the development agenda for the next fifteen years. Achieving the Global Goals will require mobilizing a broad network of committed stakeholders – and the billions of believers around the world are a significant starting point. Faith communities can play a critical role by popularizing the goals and engaging their members in prayer and action.Together, in prayer, we can help accomplish much good. The issues addressed by the Global Goals represent our commitment to humanity:

  • The right to live a life of dignity, free from hunger and disease
  • The right of all people to live to their fullest human potential, in safety and well-being
  • Protection of the integrity of creation and our resources for current and future generations
  • The shared responsibility to work together so that our expressions of faith contribute to more sustainable development for the whole planet


This is an enormous opportunity to engage in prayer all over the world to make our world a better one. Here are some ways you can help:

  • Share a prayer, or support, for the global goals on social media using #prayerforeveryone

  • Share this campaign with your church, organization, or community

  • Pray


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