Good Faith Event

By Abby SkeansMany Christians today feel overwhelmed as they try to live faithfully in a culture that seems increasingly hostile to their beliefs. Politics, marriage, sexuality, religious freedom —with an ever-growing list of contentious issues, believers find it harder than ever to hold on to their convictions while treating their friends, neighbors, coworkers, and even family members who disagree with respect and compassion. This isn’t just a problem that affects individual Christians; if left unaddressed, the growing gap between the faithful and society’s tolerance for public faith will have lasting consequences for the church in America.Bestselling authors of unChristian, Dave Kinnaman (The Barna Group) and Gabe Lyons (Q Ideas), turned their data-driven insights toward the thorny question of how Christians talk with people they know and love about the most toxic issues of our day. The book presents the five most significant trends that offer both obstacles and opportunities to God’s people, and how not only to challenge culture but to create and renew it for the common good.On Monday, March 7, The Clapham Group and The Jack Kemp Foundation co-hosted a private gathering where Dave and Gabe discussed the future of Christian social engagement through the learnings from their book with policy experts, faith leaders, non-profit influencers, and political and media strategists. The group was keenly interested in the important data-driven and theologically informed perspective that the book gave on substantive topics, such as marriage equality and race. Unsurprisingly, the conversation quickly turned to the election and how Christian citizens can faithfully engage during an election cycle where they feel increasingly disenfranchised.Although no resolutions can be offered, Dave and Gabe’s newest work describes a theology of process more than a prescribed end or outcome for Christian voice and impact. To get your copy of Good Faith to learn more, please visit their website here.


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