Free to Believe Campaign

As Open Doors anticipated, the United Nations General Assembly passed the Defamation of Religion resolution today. This means that the international battle still rages for religious liberty.However there is a light that is visible and shining at the end of this tunnel.

  • Since 2005 the resolution has consistently lost support.
  • The recent vote demonstrated the narrowest margin ever …just a 12-vote difference.
  • According to member states of the Organization of Islamic Conference there is internal debate about the possibility of not introducing the resolution in 2011.

…we might have killed the resolution even though it passed!Open Doors has worked together across the world on this campaign because we believe that by raising our voices together and praying together we can play a vital part in standing together with our brothers and sisters who are denied religious freedom and suffer persecution because of their faith in Christ.To the 428,856 people from over 70 countries participating in the Free to Believe campaign,THANK YOU!Watch The Video Here.


Congressional Scorecard


Truth Imagined