Congressional Scorecard

Open Doors USA ScorecardIn partnership with Open Doors USA, the Clapham Group is proud to announce the first Congressional Scorecard on International Religious Liberty.Over the past few months, the Clapham Group has worked with Open Doors USA to compile a selection of the most important religious freedom resolutions and public letters from the last (111th) session of Congress. In this preliminary scorecard, each legislator is graded on their level of support for these initiatives which were written to help promote religious freedom around the world. With a recent Pew Forum study revealing that 70 percent of the world's population is living with high or very high restrictions on religion, the work of our government to promote international religious liberty is critical. To view this scorecard, click here.The final scorecard will be published in January, following the end of the 111th Congress.


Lausanne Reflections


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